When it comes to protecting copyrighted works in the United States, understanding fair use is key. Fair use is a legal doctrine that describes the exceptions to exclusive rights that copyright holders have over their works. It allows for unlicensed use of copyrighted material in certain circumstances. This particular topic can be confusing, especially in regards to local regulations, so here are the answers to some frequently asked questions concerning the fair use definition.

What Is Fair Use?

The U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 describes fair use as “the privilege of using, without the copyright owner’s permission, limited amounts of copyrighted material under certain circumstances.” It is a legal doctrine that enables certain uses of copyrighted material without permission of the copyright holder. Fair use encourages certain uses for criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. To legally qualify as fair use, a person’s use of a copyrighted work must pass a four-prong legal test. The test considers the following factors:

1. The purpose and character of the use

2. The nature of the copyrighted work

3. The amount and substance of the use

4. The effect of the use on potential sales

What Are the Benefits of Fair Use?

Fair use can benefit users as well as copyright holders. It allows them to use copyrighted material in the appropriate legal circumstances. For the users, fair use has several benefits. It encourages creativity, free expression, and more access to knowledge. It also allows them to quote from and use copyrighted material in their creative efforts.

For copyright holders, fair use also has a number of advantages. It can help them to protect their ownership of their own works and promotes respect for the intellectual property rights of others. Furthermore, it can help to encourage new works and the furtherance of knowledge.

What Can and Can't Be Used for Fair Use?

Generally speaking, you can use works that are in the public domain, works where you have explicit license to use them, and works where your use can be legally justified as fair use. As for what can't be used for fair use, copyrighted material cannot be used without permission of the copyright owner.

What If I'm Not Sure Whether I Can Use a Work Under the Fair Use Doctrine?

You should always seek the advice of a qualified attorney to discuss your particular circumstances. If you're based in Dallas, look for one that understands local regulations. UpCounsel is a lawyer network that provides experienced lawyers on-demand. Their attorneys have an average of 14 years of experience and can provide high quality, cost-effective services.


Fair Use Definition,

Copyright Law,

Texas Law