Riverside Startup Attorneys & Lawyers

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Steven S.

Steven Stark

579 reviews
For over 30 years, Steven Stark has offered counsel to non-profit organizations and private companies. He has a passion for helping small businesses in particular since he himself started several businesses of his own in New York and Florida. He understands the importance of small businesses having a reliable attorney to advise them about legal matters from their inception.
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Richard G.

Richard Gora

200 reviews
Looking for an attorney with experience? Richard Gora is the exact attorney you want. Having defended over 100 cases both in state and federal courts and working with clients from around the globe, Richard has an array of different experiences. His services are wide-ranging and include business litigation, securities litigations, employment litigation, and business counsel. Prior to founding Gora LLC, he worked for Finn, Dixon & Herling LLP for eight years.
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Conor T.

Conor Teevan

151 reviews
Top-tier talent shouldn’t have to come with a top-tier fee. This is why Conor Teevan combines his top-tier expertise (Yale undergrad, Stanford Law) with affordability. Conor has represented Silicon Valley startups, real estate investors, artists creating companies, and even a child author in need of a book deal. Conor himself started a real estate company with holdings in five states.
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Alexander N.

Alexander Nahai

32 reviews
Our firm is proud to be in the 99th percentile of attorneys on UpCounsel. Having overseen over $1.2 billion in transaction value, we are able to provide big-law experience ... read more
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Daniel E. G.

Daniel E. Goodrich

20 reviews
Daniel E. Goodrich is a corporate counselor with over six years of experience. He has been licensed to practice law in multiple states, including California and the District of Columbia. Daniel holds a Juris Doctorate degree in law, which he obtained after graduating from the University of San Diego School of Law. Daniel primarily specializes in mergers and acquisitions. He founded his own legal firm, DG Law, in December 2012.
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Matt K.

Matt Kohanbash

5 reviews
I lead Solum Space Law, specializing in a broad array of legal services including land use, real estate, and business law. My legal prowess was refined at Sheppard Mullin R... read more
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David L.

David Lizerbram

2 reviews
After graduating from the USC School of Cinema-Television and Marshall School of Business, I received my J.D. from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. My firm was founded i... read more
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Laura P.

Laura Portillo

Laura Portillo is a Pepperdine Law School graduate with a Certificate in Dispute Resolution from the Straus Institute. Laura is licensed to practice law in the states of Ca... read more
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Sophia M.

Sophia Mellein

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Melissa K.

Melissa Kann

3 reviews
Your California Attorney for Startup, Business, Corporate, Arts, Publishing, and Entertainment Matters Melissa is a California attorney, assisting startups with general ... read more
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Why Hire a Startup Lawyer?

Hiring an attorney before you've even opened your doors may seem like an excessive and unnecessary expense, but it may make the difference between success and failure. After all, it's statistically proven that most startups fail. If you're serious about your business venture, find a startup lawyer before setting up shop.

For instance, even choosing what sort of business entity you should become requires legal know-how and experience. Should you be a corporation, a limited liability corporation, or a partnership? It all depends on what kind of business you're starting, how many people are involved, how you intend to raise capital, and how much liability your business may face.

Once you've selected a structure, you'll need to begin securing business licenses, patents, trademarks, permits, and the like to ensure your business does not face any penalties or fines. A local Riverside attorney will know exactly what's needed, from recording your business name to securing a Riverside business license.

If you're building or renovating a physical structure, you'll need to involve the Riverside Planning Division. What about environmental permits or industrial waste handling? Riverside requires a Transient Occupancy Tax if you're providing lodging. These kinds of details are best left in the hands of a competent local startup attorney.

If there are partners in your startup, an attorney is crucial so you can draw up agreements about the rights and responsibilities of each person. Even certain social media juggernauts have fallen victim to squabbling among founding members. Arguments and lawsuits are exactly the sort of thing that can destroy a fledgling business. Having contracts drawn up in advance can guarantee that every partner has fair treatment and can leave the venture peacefully if they so wish. A startup attorney is of great help when making these arrangements.

Additionally, raising capital from investors can be a tricky process. You don't want to undervalue your business when dealing with initial investors. Alternately, if you begin selling stock too late in the game, your business may have greatly gained in value and this will result in less gain from the stock sales. If you plan to offer stock options to new employees, you want to ensure that both sides get a fair shake. An experienced startup lawyer can help you make these choices.

How to Find the Best Startup Lawyer in Riverside

Hopefully, you've forged some industry connections in the Riverside area, since their referrals are a great start to finding the perfect attorney. These lawyers will likely have worked with similar ventures such as yours. After all, a startup attorney for a chiropractic office will have much different experience than one who works with new hotels. It's crucial that the lawyer you choose has experience with startups like yours.

Location is another factor to consider. An attorney based out of Riverside will be much more familiar with local licenses, zoning issues, and resources than someone who isn't a local. They can advise on where and when to set up a brick-and-mortar store, for example. Unlike attorneys outside the area, they also know that you can potentially get tax credits via the Governor's Economic Development Initiative.

When it comes time to hire employees, a lawyer who is a Riverside native will be familiar with what local workers expect. A good attorney, for instance, knows that many people opt to live in Riverside for its affordable housing and then endure a brutal commute to downtown Los Angeles for their job. This sort of knowledge can help entice potential workers to stay local, even if it means less pay and a riskier employment outlook.

Above all, your startup attorney should be enthusiastic about your venture and believe in your goals. If your business takes off, your lawyer will be there to help you expand and develop your commerce. This will hopefully result in a business relationship that spans years, even decades, so it's vital that your attorney has a vision of the future that's long-reaching and optimistic.

Once you've narrowed down your list, turn to the internet to pre-screen potential startup attorneys. Reviews are especially helpful, as they are quite detailed in exposing the strengths and weaknesses of the lawyers you have in mind. Don't hesitate to Google specific reviewers and reach out to them personally for more in-depth information about the lawyer they reviewed. Any reputable member of the business community will be glad to assist you since it will help build local commerce as a whole.

Questions to Ask a Potential Startup Lawyer

  • Where did you get your law degree, and how many years ago?
  • How long have you been working with businesses in my industry?
  • What are some special considerations when starting a business like mine in Riverside?
  • Do you live in Riverside? How long have you been practicing startup law here?
  • What are your interests and hobbies? (Keep in mind that you're potentially going to work with this person for years to come).

Whether your new business is in the planning stage or further along, a Riverside startup lawyer can help you take care of the important details.

Why use UpCounsel to hire a Riverside Startup Attorney?

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Legal Services Offered by Our On-Demand Riverside Startup Attorneys

On UpCounsel, you can find and connect with top-rated Riverside startup attorneys & lawyers that provide a range of startup law services for startups and entrepreneurs that are starting a business. Any of the top-rated Riverside startup lawyers you connect with will be available to help with a variety of your startup law related legal needs on-demand or on an ongoing basis in the city of Riverside, CA.

From primarily dealing with things like business formation, contracts, leases, equity financing, securities, and intellectual property protection, the Riverside startup lawyers on UpCounsel can help you with a variety of specialized and general startup law related legal matters. No matter what type of startup law needs you have, you can easily hire an experienced Riverside startup lawyer on UpCounsel to help you today.

If You Need Ongoing Legal Counsel or Ad-hoc Legal Work – We Can Help!

Improve Your Legal ROI with Affordable Startup Attorneys that service Riverside, CA.

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